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Gof command overall view

As you might already know, Module3.yml files are converted into different languages and sdks, using fireback gen command, and fireback itself, or any project created with it, will have the gen command with it.

fireback gen gof is responsible for creating Golang modules for definition, manage entities, and basically all backend features on a Module3 yaml file.

In this section, we first will go to the flow, configurating it, and in separate documents, will explain features which are creating using gof, because they might require more details.

As a general policy, we generate code in Golang, even though it might not be needed. Of course, changing configuration, fields, security model and other things will affect the output code.

gof itself is generating code based on golang template engine, simply a bunch of if-elese statements, and it's not using so many files. GoEntity.tpl and SharedSnippepts.tpl contain major part of code for Golang, firebackgogen.go is also making some changes field types.