Different types of applications could be built with Fireback
Fireback intention is mainly to build desktop apps, cloud apps, which are database oriented. It could be used also for building very simple APIs which would serve some actions or a simple CLI application, but I would say it's an overkill.
User based, Workspace based projects
A lot of projects need to store and interact within teams, they need a login system that users can authenticate, manage their accounts, invite people to their workspace, share data, manage previliges and access levels.
These kind of projects are very common, and almost any cloud provider is using. Fireback rich eco system allows to build such infrastracture quickly, by offering a strong structure.
Background Services
Due to the fact Fireback has event handing, http requests, remotes, even sqlite database, it could be used to build microservices or apps that can be installed on users computers, as a complementary to a desktop software as well.
Desktop applications
Fireback can be a very good setup for building desktop applications. It's authentication model allows to signin with operating system user logon and able to run both on MySQL and SQLite at the same time. This is powerful yet underrated feature, that could make deploying content from user desktop to cloud much easier. Same database schema, could be running on SQLite desktop, and be synced easily using built in, import/export feature of entities in Fireback.
Fireback, and Fireback react can be easily setup to work using Electron.js or Go Wails, to ship a desktop app super fast and quickly. MacOS theme is the default theme of Fireback react. Also you could use it as a service in your QT application, to write your data layer with Fireback, and generate binding to QT over http or IPC bindings.
Web application
You can orchestrate entire of a web application using Fireback. Even for 3D applications or very non-standard apps, they still will benefits the wrapper around the whole system.
Using Fireback also might come with some limitations.
Module3 yaml files are only being generated in Golang. Basically, you need to build your project in Golang. There was an attempt to build Spring boot apps as well, but it won't happen.
You are adding some extra columns to the generated tables. Every Fireback Entity has workspace_id, user_id, id, unique_id and some other default fields which will be synchronized in database. Fireback won't work without these, and some queries or parts of it will fail. Also role-permission model is heavily dependent on these columns.
You are accepting that Fireback codegen might change dramatically, genereate a lot of more details than you actually need.
You need to learn Module3 yaml definition. That's very specific to Fireback and not similar to any other definition such as open API.
Regardless you can use Fireback along side your own code style, most likely it won't slow you down in many cases in fact will be the same go app.