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Download and install fireback

Quick start: Get the boilerplate

If you want build your project using Fireback, This method doesn't need to install anything globally or admin rights. Just download the latest boilerplate, unzip, use make to build the project. Boilerplate inludes only go and react.js project, also config for VSCode.

Make sure you have necessary plugins installed for VSCode to have better experience

Note: You need to have go lang installed, and check main.go to adjust description or go module.

VSCode plugins

Fireback projects and itself are configured to work best with following extensions. Install them to provide the custom tasks, autocompletion, and run on save.

Fireback comes with MSI intallers for Windows, Packages for mac, and Debian packages for ubuntu. Installers will register the binary in the PATH and are recommended way to install:

Installers are not signed at this moment, you might need to allow installing from unknown sources, or install it using go install which is explained later in this document.

Macosx installers:

Windows msi installers:

Debian installers:

Using 'go install'

You can install fireback using go install This would install it from source, and should be available in go/bin folder. Sometimes, your go/bin folder is not in your path, you need to add it. (Also check the next section)

You might need to add the go/bin to your path, for example mac or linux:

echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/go/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

If your system is reporting that the fireback command is missing, make sure you have followed the Go installation guide correctly. Normally, it means that the go/bin directory in your User's home directory is not in the PATH environment variable. You will also normally need to close and reopen any open command prompts so that changes to the environment made by the installer are reflected at the command prompt.