Database Support
Fireback is written based on the GORM library, so it can support connecting out of the box to the following database.
You can update the database config interactively, using fireback config db
and it would open a prompt and guide you to set the database parameters.
ali@alis-MacBook-Pro fireback % fireback config db
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? Database type:
▸ sqlite (:memory:)
Important: SQLite memory database only lives until the server is closed.
This interactive command would later modify the configuration file, (usually fireback-configuration.yml
or yourproject-configuration.yml
with following possible data:
Connecting to mysql is done by providing normal credentials, and database name.
vendor: mysql
database: mydb
username: root
password: root
host: localhost
port: 3306
SQLite is a file based database system, and you just need to specifiy the path of the file, and Vendor
to sqlite
In your config.yml
vendor: sqlite
database: /tmp/fireback.db
Postgres is also supported in fireback, (CTE and Pivot queries might be covered in later versions)
and you can use fireback config db
. Important note is, not all featuers are available on postgres,
and it's not being tested on any production or test application.