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The Module3Dto struct represents a Data Transfer Object (DTO) in an application. DTOs are versatile and can be used for various purposes, such as request and response objects for actions or even internally within the application. Fireback generates a variety of helper functions for each DTO, making it beneficial to define them in Module3 instead of as pure Go structs.

Example in Module3 yaml.

- name: userRoleWorkspacePermission
- name: workspaceId
type: string
- name: userId
type: string
- name: roleId
type: string
- name: capabilityId
type: string
- name: type
type: string



  • Type: string
  • Description:
    The name of the DTO in camel case. Fireback generates all related code for the DTO based on this name.


  • Type: []*Module3Field
  • Description:
    Defines the list of fields and body structure for the DTO. Each field represents a specific part of the data contained within the DTO.