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Fireback structure and sub projects

Fireback original project (and subsequent projects built using Fireback) all follow a the same or very similar structure.

Note: This document might be useful for developers who want to understand Fireback more deeper, you don't need it for building your apps using Fireback.

Fireback is simple, and in fact doesn't contain so many folders anyway.


This folder contains github actions build for Fireback framework. Might be present in projects created via Fireback. Delete it if your project does not being deployed via Github or hosted there, also you can modify your own apps version to your needs.

.jsonschemas (ignored)

Fireback and Fireback projects generate jsonschemas out of Module3.yml files. This is because, I wanted to have more sophisticated generated autocompletion per each module, but not used yet. This folder will be generated on Fireback and Fireback projects, and can be removed via Makefile of the project.

Reminder You need to install Redhat Yaml VSCode extension to see autocompletion for Module3 files.


This is also present in both new projects and Fireback itself, which contains a set of tasks, settings for working on Fireback projects. Feel free to extend or modify it based on your needs.

artifacts (ignored)

Fireback makefiles are configured to create artifacts for different operating systems inside this folder. It's ignored and will be auto generated.


A command golang community convention for having application entry points. Check the main.go to see further configurations.

By default, might be only a single app, but you can add new folders here and make multiple application by combining different modules, just as you would with any golang application.


Documents related to Fireback.


Tests, and some scripts needed for Fireback project itself. It doesn't exist on child projects


This folder is the most imporant folder in Fireback projects, and you can create your Module3.yml modules here. In VSCode, CMD+SHIFT+P and Run task will suggest Generate new module to create them easier.

It exists on Fireback and child projects.