Missing documentations
Here there is a list of content which needs to be documented, both in docs and code comments. Please check each feature if 100% is compatible with the docs, mention the known issues and plans.
Macros are a Fireback Module3 definition feature, which would add extra features into a definition, by just using them.
Migration and databases
Fireback or Projects generated by fireback, they need database. Fireback is based on Gorm, and only supports What gorm supports. Code generated, or SQL queries, are only optimized or even generated for SQLite and MySQL, since I do not build anything outside of these 2 databases.
You might be able to connect your golang project to another type of database, since fireback is pure go, there is not conflict, but you won't gen benefit of entities or migration out of the box.
React.js Client
Testing in Fireback
Using Fireback independently in other backend technologies such as Node.js or Java
Working on Fireback Source Code
Possibility of creating Fireback modules and use in pure go projects
Issues in Fireback
Importing and Exporting
Guide to choose technologies for projects
FirebackApp application lifecycle
Fireback Shipment
In this document we are going to discuss how the fireback is delivered as a product. Most commonly, Github actions builds the entire project, installers and binaries and they will be available as a part of releases.
Error handling and IError
Building your project and deploying to a VPS
Capabilities (Permissions)
Explain following modules
accessibility currency geo licenses timezon
Workspaces features
codegen-in-depth concurrent-update fireback-workspaces-module json-query-vs-query lsp-language-server pdf-tools querydsl security-life-cycle